搬瓦工之前曾以邮件告知需要对洛杉矶 DC9 CN2 GIA 机房进行维护,已购此套餐的用户将被暂时迁移到洛杉矶的其他两个 CN2 GT 机房。虽然此次维护官方称预计耗时 3~7 天,但是各种不确定因素导致此次维护一次又一次的推迟。今日搬瓦工再发邮件,维护将在 24 小时内完成,届时用户将被迁移回洛杉矶 DC9 CN2 GIA 机房。
2018.04.27 10:34 更新:维护已完成,服务已迁移回 CN2 GIA 线路。
Dear Bandwagon Host Customer,
You are receiving this service alert because you have an active CN2 GIA VPS with us.
Previously we had sent out a notification that on March 26 we will be temporarily migrating all clients on CN2 GIA BETA plan over to our currently deployed CN2 GIS (GT) service.
We had estimated that it will take us 3-7 days to complete all required maintenance and migrate all clients back.
As you may remember from our previous communication, after our maintenance was completed, our fiber link with China Telecom began experiencing intermittent issues (packet loss) and China Telecom was working with the fiber provider to address the issue.
Today they have finally resolved the issue and the link is now stable.
Over the next 24 hours we will be performing the following:
1) We will execute our final performance tests to make sure there is no issue with the fiber path
2) We will set up a backup fiber link with CN2 GT, so if anything happens to our primary CN2 GIA line in the future, our equipment will seamlessly transfer all clients to CN2 GT line without any downtime or IP changes, to ensure highest quality uninterrupted service.
3) We will migrate all affected clients back to the CN2 GIA line.
Our engineers are already working on 1) and 2) and once complete, we will transfer your VPS to CN2 GIA, and you should receive your old CN2 GIA IP address.
We thank you for your patience, and welcome back!
With kindest regards,
Daniel Clay
Bandwagon Host/IT7 Networks Inc
您收到此服务提醒是因为您正持有一台我公司的已激活的 CN2 GIA VPS。
之前我们就已发出通知,在 3 月 26 日,我们会暂时将所有客户的 CN2 GIA BETA 计划迁移到我们当前已部署的 CN2 GIS(GT)服务。
我们估计需要 3~7 天才能完成所有必需的维护工作,届时也会将所有客户迁移回 CN2 GIA 服务。
在接下来的 24 小时内,我们将进行以下操作:
2)为了保证高质量的不间断服务,我们将在 CN2 GT 上建立一条备用光纤线路,所以如果未来我们的主要 CN2 GIA 线路发生任何事情,我们的设备将无缝地将所有客户端转接至 CN2 GT 线路(无需停机或更改 IP);
3)我们将把所有受影响的客户迁移回 CN2 GIA 服务。
我们的工程师已经开始着手进行前两项工作,我们会在完成之后将您的 VPS 转移回 CN2 GIA,并且您将收到原来的 CN2 GIA IP 地址。
Bandwagon Host / IT7 Networks Inc