搬瓦工 Paypal 支付不成功怎么办?昨天,搬瓦工的 Paypal 支付接口出现故障,一些朋友支付成功后,订单仍显示未支付。搬瓦工官方第一时间在其状态监控站(bwhstatus.com)上发出了相关公告。本文分享一下故障详情,同时提出一下解决方案以及一个小小的建议。
On October 19 we have noticed an issue with Paypal payment notification system.
Normally, Paypal notifies us about a successful payment within 30 seconds after payment. However, today, some notifications never come to our billing platform. From our initial investigation it looks like approximately 3-4% of all Paypal payments are affected.
If your payment is affected, please submit a support ticket with your Paypal Transaction ID, and we will manually credit the payment for you.
In the meantime, we are getting in touch with Paypal to get this resolved as soon as possible.
我简单总结一下就是:在所有已支付的 Paypal 订单里,有 3%~4% 的订单未能成功返回“已付款”通知到搬瓦工系统里,这就导致这部分订单依旧是未支付状态。
因为本站一直推荐大家使用支付宝付款,所以这次故障应该是对大家没有影响的。而对于 3%~4% 的受影响用户,搬瓦工官方也在公告里给出了相应的解决办法:
请提交服务工单(关于如何提交服务工单请看:《搬瓦工怎么提交工单,发工单联系客服教程》),然后提供相关订单的 Paypal 交易号即可(交易号可以从 Paypal 的订单交易详情里面找到)。客服核实无误后,会手动帮你支付订单。